Fri. Mar 14th, 2025


sahayatri samajDate : 25th August 2016

We need the consultant on CMR training in Dhading. We ask the details proposal .  The training is given to the health person  of doctor and nurse.  We need the consultant on legal training also. This training is given to the legal person , police and psyco social actors in Dhading. The TOR of both consultant is attached herewith. We request the complete bio data and proposal of related consultant with in a week. The documents can be sent in the following address.

The deadline : 31st August 2016

 Email :

Ph :  010520544


Terms of Reference –Trainer

Clinical Management of Rape (CMR)/GBV survivors


Job title:         Trainer on Clinical Management of Rape (CMR)/GBV survivors

Location: Training in Dhading, Nepal

Duration of Employment: 1 week

Organizational Setting and Background

Sahayatri Samaj Nepal is a liberal, non-profit making and non-governmental organization registered at District Administration Office of Dhading on 6 January 2008 and since then it has been renewed yearly. This organization came into existence with collective ideas of like-minded women who hold expertise in law, security and justice, political science, journalism, human rights, education, information and communication technology (ICT) and social mobilization. On 12 August 2010, the organization got legal affiliation from Social Welfare Council, Kathmandu. With the vision to create society based on justice and equality with slogan of “Equal rights for resource, power and governance: Motivation for life without discrimination”. Enhancing local knowledge, education, skills and potentials helping to secure rights and welfare of back warded groups, region, caste and races to establish a society without discrimination is the ultimate goal of this organization. The organization holds the working theme of “Women in Development” and targeted groups include women, children and back warded communities.

Specific activities

To execute training on the clinical management of GBV and rape in particular for health workers based in Dhading. Through building the capacity of government health workers and the local hospital/ Primary Health Care Center, SSN hopes to strengthen the clinical care and response for GBV survivors. The training will be complementary to training recently carried out at district level and will focus on ensuring all qualified staff has been trained and reaching out to the lower health levels according to national protocols.

Contract Period

The contract period will begin on October 17th, 2016 and will end on October 23rd, 2016.

Out of 7 days, 3 days are allocated for the training itself, and remaining 4 days for preparing training materials, and writing and submitting the training report to SSN.

Key Objectives

  • To train healthcare providers so that they are able to identify and provide appropriate clinical care for survivors of sexual violence and other forms of GBV according to the guiding principles and compassionate care.


Duties and responsibilities of the consultant:

  1. Consolidate the relevant training materials/ training pack1, send the final version to SSN for review. Provide manuals (e.g. WHO’s CMR protocol, GoN’s Clinical Protocol on GBV) and other relevant handouts for each participant – timely deliver for print to SSN in preparation for the training.
  2. Conduct a three-day training for (15 to 20) health professionals and other clinical healthcare providers on clinical care for sexual assault and GBV survivors, training hours should be adapted to work schedules of medical staff.
    1. Training for GBV clinical management will include the syndromic management of Sexually Transmitted Illnesses (STIs) and
    2. Use of devices/MISP kits and should give specific attention for treatment and care including for child survivors.
    3. Strengthening skills and positive attitudes for providing support and services, including referral to GBV survivors in adherence of the guiding principles and compassionate care.
    4. Provide guidance on patient flow, privacy, security of patient files and ensure patient confidentiality.
    5. Document results of the training through pre and post-tests.
  3. Submit a training report due 5 days following the completion of the training.


Conditions of the employment

The trainer will work in coordination with the “Sneha Kendra Program”, Lead Trainerand Program Coordinator based inDhadingBeshi. All curricula, reports and materials designed and produced under this employment will be property of Sahayatri Samaj Nepal.

Required Qualification and Experience

In order to implement the clinical management of rape training,  SSN is looking for aMD, Master in Nursing with specialization in Gynecology, Obstetrics or Sexual and Reproductive Health Medical Doctor who has been previously trained in Clinical Management of GBV & Rape, and is available to start the training towards  the third week of October.

The qualified candidate needs to demonstrate familiarity and experience with the following:

  1. MD, Master in Nursing with specialization in Gynecology, Obstetrics or Sexual and Reproductive Health
  2. Prior training in the clinical management of rape (sexual assault)/GBV
  3. Relevant experience training using IASC guidelines on Gender-based Violence, WHO Clinical

Management of Rape facilitation guide or the Government of Nepal’s Clinical Protocol on GBV

  1. Knowledgeable in the basic concepts of GBV, including survivor centered approach
  2. Familiarity with the following materials; any relevant MoH guidelines, the WHO guideline on reproductive health training; WHO’s protocol on Clinical Management of Rape; Government of Nepal’s Clinical Protocol on GBV
  3. Prior clinical experience providing care for survivors of sexual assault preferred
  4. Strong facilitation and writing skills
  5. Thorough understanding of the guiding principles and compassionate care
  6. Familiarity with referral pathway coordination and understanding how the health sector contributes to a wider response

Personal Qualities

  • Strong commitment to improve quality of health service provision for women and girls, and for survivors of sexual violence in particular
  • Capacity to lead and motivate teams
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Fluency in Nepali and English


How to Apply:

  • Qualified individuals should submit their applications as soon as possible
  • A complete cover letter and resume in English
  • List of referees
  • Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the interview

SSNis an equal opportunity organization that strives for diversity and employs qualified personnel without regard to gender, race, physical disability, religion, or ethnicity.

1   SS will provide a complete set of training materials, which must be customized and adopted by the trainer herself/himself.


Terms of Reference -Trainer

on Laws and Legal Procedures related to women, children, and Gender Based Violence


Job title:         Trainer on Laws and Legal Procedures related to women, children, and Gender Based


Location:        Training in Dhading, Nepal

Duration of Employment: 1 week

Organizational Setting and Background

Sahayatri Samaj Nepal is a liberal, non-profit making and non-governmental organization registered at District Administration Office of Dhading on 6 January 2008 and since then it has been renewed yearly. This organization came into existence with collective ideas of like-minded women who hold expertise in law, security and justice, political science, journalism, human rights, education, information and communication technology (ICT) and social mobilization. On 12 August 2010, the organization got legal affiliation from Social Welfare Council, Kathmandu. With the vision to create society based on justice and equality with slogan of “Equal rights for resource, power and governance: Motivation for life without discrimination”. Enhancing local knowledge, education, skills and potentials helping to secure rights and welfare of back warded groups, region, caste and races to establish a society without discrimination is the ultimate goal of this organization. The organization holds the working theme of “Women in Development” and targeted groups include women, children and back warded communities.

Specific objective

To providetraining to legal actors, police, psychosocial/health professionalsin laws and legal procedures related to women, children, and GBV. By capacity building of these actors in laws and legal procedures, SSN hopes to strengthen the service and response to GBV survivors in Dhading district.

Contract Period

A total of 7 days, where 3 days are allocated for the training itself, and remaining 4 days for preparing the training materials and writing and submitting the training report to SSN.

Duties and responsibilities of the trainer

  1. Consolidate the relevant training materials/ training pack and provide to Sahayatri Samaj Nepal for final review. Provide handouts for each participant – timely deliver to SSN for printing.
    1. The training for three different types of actors Police, Legal, andPsychosocial/health professionals will be conducted at three different dates. Though each training will be a three day training, the sessions on “laws and legal procedures” will be included in only one day of each training.
    2. Training pack must include the following topics along with others:
  • Legal definitions of different terms such as GBV, rape, sexual assault etc.
  • Laws and legal obligations related to children survivor of GBV including the age when children can give informed consent(e.g. the age children can give consent for receiving psychosocial counselling)
  • GBV reporting legal obligation of the general public
  • Legal obligations related to confidentiality, security of the GBV survivors that must be abided by any professional providing services to the GBV survivor
    1. Document results of the training through pre and post tests.
  1. Submit a training report due 5 days following the completion of each training
  2. Perform any other related activities needed to improve the quality and effectiveness of the program including participation in coordination meetings if applicable.

Conditions of the employment

The trainer will work in coordination with the “Sneha Kendra Program”, Lead Trainerand Program Coordinator based in Dhading Beshi. All curricula, reports and materials designed and produced under this employment will be a property of Sahayatri Samaj Nepal.

Required Qualification and Experience

In order to implement the training SSN is looking for an experienced professional lawyer who is knowledgeable on GBV related national laws, and who has an experience of working with GBV survivors. He/she must be available to start the training towards the second week of September, 2016.

Personal Qualities

  • Strong commitment to improve quality of care that differentactors provide to GBV survivors
  • Capacity to lead and motivate teams
  • Flexibility and adaptability
  • Fluency in Nepali and English


How to Apply:

  • Qualified individuals should submit their applications as soon as possible
  • A complete cover letter and resume in English
  • List of referees
  • Brief proposal (3 pages maximum) including agenda for the training and financial proposal
  • Only short-listed candidates will be contacted for the interview

SSN is an equal opportunity organization that strives for diversity and employs qualified personnel without regard to gender, race, physical disability, religion, or ethnicity.



About The Author

अन्य समाचारहरु: